Highland Reign
A Scots American Folk Rock Band from Indianapolis, takes the tunes of the old country and breathes a rocking new life into them!
With traditional songs such as "My Heart's in the Highlands," originals like "Bonnie Eilidh," Celtic classics "TWA Recruiting Sergeants" and "Loch Lomond," Highland Reign has become one of America's favorite Scottish Folk Rock Bands! With over 20,000 CD's sold, "Bring Forrit The Tartan" is the most recent release by Highland Reign honoring our 20th year as a band. These CD's have the trademark upbeat vocals, catchy lyrics and bagpipes/guitars!! Highland Reign appears at venues and festivals all across America, Scotland and Ireland! With wailing bagpipes/guitar tunes, the lilt of the Scots-Irish Fiddle, rocking percussion and upbeat vocals, Highland Reign will rock you back to the old country!!! WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | YOUTUBE VIDEO LINK |